Thursday, 6 October 2016

Naegiri Fanfic : Cake on the face

Naegiri Fanfic : Cake on the face
Pair : Makoto Naegi x Kyouko Kirigiri 
Genre : Teen / Romance / Humour
Rate :  Teen Theme
Summery : Today is Kirigiri's birthday. Naegi planned a surprise party for her.


Still new and working about Naegiri fanfic... please enjoy... =)

“Happy birthday, Kirigiri!” the swimmer gal cheering as her detective friend entered the room. Her famous emotionless face turned into a blushing dwarf iris flowers.

“Thank you, Asahina. Everyone.” the detective replied with a smile.

“Don't thank us! Thank Naegi. He the one who gave the idea!” said the fortune teller.

“Thanks, Naegi.”

“It's was nothing! Really!” the brunette luckster gone blushed. He become more blushed when he saw her sincerely smile to him.

“C'mon, Kirigiri. This time to open up the present!” the swimmer gal grinned.

The lavender locks found herself an unexpected situation or astonish as if she never feels like this before. It's the truth though...

“Wow, guys. You shouldn't have.” said the detective, still opening the present and then, she had received the novel of the famous detective, nor other than Sherlock Holmes.

“We don't know what to get you. So, we decided to choose something that similar with your skills, Kiri.” said the brunette luckster.

“Yeah! At first, we thought that we gotten gave you a smoke pipe. But the book was okay too.” said the fortune teller.

“You're the one how wanted to gave her some old smoke pipe.” said the swimmer gal.

“Er... that's truth...” the fortune teller was blooming and upset.

“Enough with that! It's time for cake!” said the brunette haired girl, which to be the brunette luckster's younger sister. Now she handed over the cake with the violet frosting.

“L-Let's take a selfie than.” said the librarian gal.

“That's a great idea, Touko!” said the brunette haired girl.

“Okay, everyone. Say cheese!” the swimmer gal grinned.


Then, all of the sudden. The cake that the brunette luckster had holding it went dumping on the detective's face. Including his as well. The moment when everyone in the room gasped even though they didn't know what was happening.

“W-What's just happen?” said the brunette haired girl.

“Naegi, I didn't know that you can be this klutz.” the librarian gal grinned.

“Fukawa!” said the swimmer gal.

“D-Don't worry accident happen.” the brunette luckster grinned.

“I'm sure there's another cake. I'll be right back.” said the swimmer gal.

“Me too.” said the brunette haired girl. “Onii-san. It's about time to get yourself clean. You too, Kirigiri-san.”

“Er... right! If i could see properly...” the brunette luckster grinned. The detective took her napkin and frantically wiped her face. Then, she helping wiped his face next. Which he still have a frosting on his face though. “Er... thanks, Kiri...”

“It's better we got ourselves clean.”


Meanwhile, at the kitchen sink. The brunette luckster almost done with the frosting off from his face. Well, excepted his hair. Ask for the detective, she really had a hard time to get rid of the frosting. Especially on her long hair, of course.

“I could use a bath right now...” said the lavender locks.

“Sorry about earlier, Kiri.”

“It's no biggie. Not everyday that you have see me with a cake on my face, no?”

“Well, there's one thing that I going to tell you later.”

“Really? What's that?”

“Er... well? Uh, uh, uh, I'm, um, uh, uh, uh...”

“Are you always this articulate?” said the lavender locks.

“Okay! Here goes!” said the brunette luckster as he being serious now. “About your other present...”

“My other present?”

“Kiri...” the brunette luckster pressed his lips against hers gently, hugged her as if she would break at any moment. When they broke from the kisses, he saw tears welling up in her violet eyes. He became panic and didn't know what to do. “Er... I'm sorry! I should tell you that I'm gonna kiss you and--”

“It's alright... I just surprised, that's all.” the lavender locks smiled as she wiped her tears.

“I know this is a bad timing and also... understand that you can't return those feeling now, but... I want to said that... when I've a chance... Kiri... I-I... I love you, Kyouko Kirigiri!”

“I... I love you too, Makoto Naegi...”


I got that idea with a cake on the face when I've watched something on the t.v. And it's was epic scene. XD

Oh, yeah! Before I almost forgot... this is for episode 9!!!

Make me worried sick about you, gal! Seriously, don't do that again!!! =''}

Naegiri Fanfic : Care of Her Fever

Naegiri Fanfic : Care of Her Fever
Pair : Makoto Naegi x Kyouko Kirigiri 
Genre : Teen / Romance / Humour
Rate :  Teen Theme
Summery : Today Kirigiri having a fever. So, Naegi take care of her, the all day.


Still new and working about Naegiri fanfic... please enjoy... =)

Today it's a fine day. The lavender locks seems to be busy in her own office. Needless to say, she could hardly pause for long before she would be back at her laptop, typing to her destination unknown. Not for a moment, she checked every file in all the cabinets but could not find what she was looking. Then, she returned to the desk and scoured the paperwork for some sort of identifying information on the place she'd been or the company that developed the forms. She took one of the files. Before she could looked at the pages someone is knock at the door.

“Hey, Kiri.” said the male voice as he holding a file.

“Hi, Naegi. What's up?” greeted the detective in return.

“Here the file that you're asked for.” said the brunette luckster as he handed over the file to her.


“The weather was nice today.”

“The weather forecast said it will be raining soon.”

“Oh, yeah! Luckily I bring my umbrella with me.” said the brunette luckster as he staring out of the window.

The detective about to said something but she felt as if she had a stone stuck in her throat. It's bother her. All of a sudden her vision went pitch black like if she had falling into darkness. As her velocity slower, she opened her eyes and found herself on the bed, her bed.  

The lavender locks found herself unwilling to get out of the bed. Then, she also discovered a digital fever thermometer on her hand, which it showing the thermometer. 39.2 °C. No wonder she had a headache and shivering all day. Now she felt a bit thirsty. So, she decided to get up and get herself a drink. Suddenly she heard her phone ringing. She take a look at it, maybe there was a message been replay. She completely blushed when she saw message from nor other than the brunette luckster.

Naegi : Hi, Kiri. How's your cold? If things getting worse, I'll taking the day off right away.

Kirigiri : There's no need to. I'll be fine. A couple more sleep and take a aspirin will do the trick.

The lavender locks replay his message as she lying on her bed. There was a beep and then another message replay.

Naegi : Well, I'll stopped by the store for your medicine and bought something to eat, just in case.

Did he just... ignoring me?” the detective sweat-drop.

Naegi : I'll be there precisely at 12 o'clock in the afternoon.

He really didn't listening to me...” she thought so. She about to having a glass of water, luckily she saw a large bottle of water with glass beside on her bed. She swear she didn't put it there. Maybe she forgot. Very well. After having a glass of water, she let herself fallen asleep until then.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Naegiri Fanfic : Drunk Night

Naegiri Fanfic : Drunk Night
Pair : Makoto Naegi x Kyouko Kirigiri 
Genre : Teen / Romance / Humour
Rate :  Teen Theme
Summery : The four friends having dinner at the restaurant. But, things take a turn for the worst. A Naegiri with a few shot. Slightly OOC. I do not own DR and the characters...


Still new and working about Naegiri fanfic... please enjoy... =)

At the restaurant

The four friends walked into the restaurant and one of them had spotted the empty table. The swimmer girl looked through the menu and then asked an employee. The other would mind dining in because this restaurant have the best sushi in town. Soon, they were seated and after the waiter brought water and they gave their orders, the table was a full of conversation.

“I've already ordered five sushi if you don't mind.” said the swimmer gal.

“That's fine. So, we could shared them, right?” said the brunette luckster.

“Well, sharing is caring!” the swimmer gal smiled.

“Too bad that Togami and Fukawa couldn't joining us.” said the fortune teller.

“Well, he said he was busy. So, we can't forced him to join us though.” said the swimmer gal.

“Even so we tying to forced him. He properly will said no.” said the brunette luckster.

“Yeah! With a poke face!” the swimmer gal grinned.

“Yeah! I guess you two are right.” said the fortune teller.

The food have arrived. On the table there are many types of sushi. There's nigiri, sashimi, maki, uramaki and temaki. The swimmer gal had ordered the shrimp okonomiyaki. The fortune teller had ordered the spicy udon noodles. As for the brunette and the lavender locks have ordered the beef ramen noodle soup.


“So yummy!” said the swimmer gal.

“Best noodles I even taste it!” said the fortune teller.

“Kiri, how yours?” the brunette luckster asked his lavender locks friend.

“It's fine. The beef has cook perfectly.” replied the detective in return.

“You should try the sushi, Kirigiri! It's really good!” said the swimmer gal.

“I know that you're not a fan with japanese food. At least, try one of them.” said the brunette luckster. “If you didn't want it, we wouldn't force you, okay?”

“Alright. I'll try... nigiri...”

“Okay? Hagakure, can you pass the nigiri, please?”

“Here.” said the fortune teller as he still eating a huge balls of uramaki in his mouth.

“Hey, Hagakure! You're eating more uramaki than everyone else's!” said the swimmer gal.
“Speak to yourself! You're eating more temaki!”

“I just eat one!”

“Oh? Really?”

“Oh, you guys!” the brunette had sweat drop. Then, he heard the lavender locks with a small laughter.

“It's been awhile. I meant eating together like this...” said the detective with a small smiled on her face.

“Yeah! I thought you're not enjoying yourself.”

“Well, I'm not easy to showed my emotions to anyone else.”

“I know that.”

After the meal, there was four mug of beers have been sent by the waiter.

“Wait? How's order the beer?” the swimmer gal asked.

“I am!” said the fortune teller. The other begin to stared at him. “What? It's Friday! We should have some fun, no?”

“Well, we did working really hard lately...” the swimmer gal asked.

“And where the last time we having fun?” asked the fortune teller. The other have no words to said. “So, let's drink then!”

The four mug of beers been taking by each of them and raised them immediately.

“Cheers to us!” said the brunette luckster.

“Cheers!” All of them grinned and clinked their mugs before taking a sip of the beers.

“Ah! that's hit the spot!” the fortune teller was hiccuped.

“You telling me! I remember we only youngsters back then. And now we're adults!” the swimmer gal grinned as she raised her one hand up into the air.

“Yeah! Let's drink till we drop!” the fortune teller chuckled and then hiccuped again.

“Let's take another, Hina!”


“Okay? That's going very well... I guess...” the brunette had sweat drop. Ask for the lavender locks, she found herself feeling rather intoxicated. She didn't know what got over her, but while those two were talking throughout the hour and laughing about their days, she also had instinctively drank at least three or four mugs of beer.

The brunette luckster should have said something to her about the amount of alcohol she was consuming but it never occurred to him until he saw how red her face had gotten.

“Um...Kiri, are you okay? You seem a little...” The brunette paused, “...drunk.”

The detective began laughing a little too loudly, but those two gone worse than her causing people around the restaurant to begin staring at them.

“What? I feel fine!”

The brunette luckster gulped.

“Seriously, Kiri... Maybe we should just lea-”

“Seriously, Naegi. There's nothing wrong with me! Stop getting all worried for nothing!” The detective teased him. The brunette tried to get her to quieten down but she just continued laughing. Then, she poured herself another glass of beer when the brunette snatched the bottle away from her.

“Okay, that's it. We're leaving. You two guys!”

“Aww, c'mon! Don't be such a downer!” the lavender locks whined.

“The night is still young, Naegi-chi...” the fortune teller hiccuped again.

“C'mon, Naegi... Join us...” the swimmer gal chuckled as she face gotten red already.

“Oh no! This isn't good...” the brunette had sweat drop.

After the zombie reaction accident back at the restaurant, needless to say, tonight was unexpected. The brunette had no choice to taking all his friends back to his place.    

Meanwhile at the apartment

“C'mon, I wanna to drink more Naegi-chi...” the fortune teller hiccuped whined.

“Hagakure, where the car key?” asked the brunette. Then, the fortune teller handed over the key and thank goodness the key not fallen in the drain in this middle of the night.

The brunette luckster carefully managed the swimmer gal and the fortune teller into the backseat himself of the car. Then lastly, he slipped the detective right next to the driver's seat. He began to start the car and driving to his location. When, he kept his eyes focused on the road, he didn't aware that someone called up by his first name.

“Makoto...” said the detective in her sleep. The brunette stole a look at her, for a bit in the seat next to him. With her head leaning back, her lavender hair was blowing out the window. Speaking the other two, sleeping and snoring like there's no tomorrow.

Meanwhile at the brunette luckster's places, which some with difficulties there. First, he leads the detective out of the vehicle. Suddenly, he saw the mother and a child was stared at him. Putting on the best grin he could possibly muster, he chuckled to the audience they had attracted.

“So, having a tough night, I see?” said the mother, which she was his neighbour in this unit.

“Well, yeah!”

“Do you need a hand? I'll asked my husband to carried your friends there?”

“That's so nice of you. But, I don't want any trouble.”

“There no trouble at all.” said the mother and asked to her child for staying with the brunette's sleepy friends in the car when she called her husband, which is the child's father. But that's not stopping there because there's other people were stared at him as well.

“Nothing to see here! Just-” the brunette luckster fumbled as the detective slumped down onto his chest, putting her entire weight on him. “Just been a rough night!”

The brunette carried her like a piggyback ride and taking the stairs carefully, which happens to be the elevator are still broken. It took awhile and he had finally at his apartment. Then, he opened the door with his house keys. He entered the house and went straight to the other room.

The brunette laid her down gently on the bed. Before he about to leave, he had stops as he stared at her. The more he realized that her beautiful face has got his heart beating fast. With unexpected twists, he suddenly lost his balance and started to fall. Not only that, he also accidentally kissed her, right on the lips. He letting go of the kiss with a huge shocked on his face. But the detective still in her sleep stage.

The brunette leave the room immediately as he closed the door carefully. He's tumbling with guilt and his face all red after the kiss accident earlier. He still couldn't believe that he would do such thing to her. Should he tell her about this? Or it's the best way not to tell her?

In The Next Morning 

Monday, 3 October 2016

Naegiri Fanfic : Just Kiss Her Already

Naegiri Fanfic : Just Kiss Her Already
Pair : Makoto Naegi x Kyouko Kirigiri 
Genre : Teen / Romance / Humour
Rate :  Teen Theme
Summery : Naegi always thinking about having his first kiss with a girl that he likes. But sometimes, it's been troublesome wherever he's thinking about it too. At one time, he also almost kissing the most closest person to him, Kirigiri. 


Still new and working about Naegiri fanfic... please enjoy... =)

Today is the same busy day as usually. The brunette luckster sits at his desk, doing some paperwork. The most are already complete, but there still more new files have to complete with details later. Three hours have already passed. He decided to take a small break, by stretched his both arms and yawning.

Then, sudden his eyes closed and seemed to be dozing. Before he knew, he already awake. For the moment he opened his eyes, the place seems to be quiet a bit. Maybe everyone else gone for lunch, he thought. He couldn't tell how long that he dozed off.

“Naegi.” A stoic voice called out from behind him. Seems that person how wearing a gloves as patting his shoulder.

“K-Kiri! I didn’t hear that you're come in.” the brunette stammered, flustered.

“Sorry if I startled you.” the lavender locks apologized.

“So, do you need something?”

“Well, I got something for you. It's just a small treats, but it will do the trick.” said the lavender haired girl as she searched her bag for something.

“What is it?” The brunette blinked with curious.

“A kiss.”

“A k-k-kissssss?” the luckster stammered.

“It's Hershey's kisses chocolate, silly. Asahina bought a huge packs. She already gave a few to me. So, I gave my share to you.”

“Oh! I thought...”

“Thought what?” the lavender locks gave a small piece of chocolate right into his mouth. She really took him by surprise as he swallowed the chocolate.

“Er... Thanks.” The brunette still red on his both cheeks.

“You got something there. Here, let me wipe it for you.” the lavender locks wiping his mouth slowly with a napkin. The brunette felt his heart beating fast when she moved closer to him, until the two were almost touching. The brunette couldn't tell why but his intention clear that he was going to kiss her.


“What is it, Naegi?” when the lavender locks looked up at him with a slightly confused on her, the brunette cupped her cheeks in his hands and then kissed her deeply. He really taking his time there. It's pity because all of this just a dream.

The brunette still in his kiss pose. It will to be embarrassed if someone entered his office and see him right about now. But it was too later because someone already entered the room. There was the lavender locks as she's holding the files. She about to asked the brunette, but she realized that her friend still day daydreaming.


“Naegi. Are you daydreaming... again...” the lavender locks sweat drops and patting him lightly with a files on his head.

“What? What?” He snapped himself back into reality and glanced at his digital watch. Ten minutes to noon. Then he in a huge shocked when he saw her in front of his eyes. “Kiri! I-I- Ahem! I didn’t hear that you're come in.”

“I just did. Sorry if I startled you.” the lavender locks apologized.

“So, do you need something?” the brunette asked, keeps himself cold and also out of the story that he having earlier completely.

“Here the files.” the lavender locks headed over the flies to him.


“So, I'll see you later then.”

“Yeah, sure!”

Just a few seconds she left his office. After the brunette heard the door closed shut, he taking a deep breath as he gave himself a heavy sigh. That will be stupid thing if she knows about his fantasy that he had earlier.

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Naegiri Fanfic : Curry For You

Naegiri Fanfic : Curry For You
Pair : Makoto Naegi x Kyouko Kirigiri 
Genre : Teen / Romance / Humour
Rate :  Teen Theme
Summery : Today Kirigiri making chicken curry for Naegi.


This is my first Naegiri fanfic... please enjoy... =)

It was a good morning as the lavender locks reading something on the book, a cookbook to be precise. She remember that her brunette friend, how loves curry. He even making it last night. Who knew that her friend can be a good cook. Maybe she should gave it a try.

The lavender locks went to the refrigerator for some chicken as she gathered the other dry ingredients. Then, she began peeling the potatoes and carrots in the sink. After that, she diced them all into small pieces, including the onions. Lastly, she washed the chicken and chopped them into small pieces. Since she making a small portion for two people, it will be fine.

The lavender locks still mesmerized the curry recipe in the cookbook while she had finished her mise-en-plus. She decided to taking a one step back on the counter as she's taking a deep breath. Hopefully her curry not gone badly or burned.

She's following the instructure carefully by stir the onions first. Then, added the ginger and garlic. The scene of the onions kinder making she a bit sneezing. Achoo!

Then, she added the chicken and cook until the chicken changes color. Then, she added the carrot into the mix. Since she don't have a chicken broth or don't have time to making one, she used a water instead. Bring the stock to boil and skim the scrum and fat from the surface of the stock, which the instructure said. Now she only had to do is waiting the stock to boil about an hour and a half, which the book said.

While she waiting the shock, she making a curry roux. It will be easier if she used curry sauce mix. She remember that he's usually bought the curry roux on the store. It's also with a few brand and usually comes with 3 levels of spiciness – mild, medium or hot.

The lavender locks choose the mild and began making the curry sauce right after she added the potatoes into the stock. Then, she's stir the sauce very well, being careful not to burn the paste. After she done with the sauce, she added it into the stock.

It's looks like it's going very well, as she thought. Then, she added soy sauce and ketchup. Simmer uncovered on low heat, stirring occasionally, until the curry becomes thick, which the recipe said. Then, finally the taste tester.

The lavender locks taking a small sniff of the curry before taking a small taste. The aroma of curry still flying around the kitchen. It's seem alright. The taste also just fine. Not too strong nor too light, just right in the middle.

Be generous with your spices. They not only bring flavour but also texture to the curry. But remember not to overpower the curry with too many spices, which the book said.

“Kiri, I'm home.” said a male voice called out from behind the door.

“Naegi, you're back.” greeted the detective in return.

“So, how's the cooking?” the brunette asked as he laid his bag and a pile of papers on the table.

“Okey, I guess.” said the lavender haired girl. “Today, I'm making chicken curry.”

“Really? That's great! Then, I'll set the table.”

At the table, there was two plates of curry for two people. Seem the brunette looks so excited because of the dishes that she making earlier. “Itadakimasu!”

I hope he's like it.” the lavender haired girl whispered as she watched the brunette taking his first bite of her curry.

“Wow! That was so good! Kiri, you're amazing!” the brunette smiled with joy as he chewing and swallow. It's seemed to be that he really likes her cooking, since he kept filling his plate up again. “Oh! I'm sorry! Here!”

The lavender haired girl now stared at the spoon with a full of mixed rice and curry. Maybe the brunette here trying to feed her with the small portion of her curry.

“Er... isn't okey?”


“Okey. Here goes!” said the lavender haired as the brunette slowly feeds her.

“Isn't tasty?”

“Yeah! How knew that I really love curry, Naegi.” said the lavender haired. “And I bet your curry are better than mine, no?”

“Well, to tell the truth. My curry still need more progress. But I don't mind.”

“Do you want another?”

“Yes! Please!”

Well, I'm glad that you like it because I'm making especially just for you...

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Saddest Anime Deaths - My Top Lists

Saddest Anime Deaths - My Top Lists

Maes Hughes – Full Metal Alchemist

One of the most loveable characters in the series. I don’t think there is an anime lover alive who didn’t find his charm and personality addictive. This makes it all the more heart-breaking because he simply didn’t deserve to die. He was not a malicious character. It makes it worse for us when we are teased to think he makes it out alive and is met with his loving wife – this however is simply a form taken by Envy. It cuts all the more deeper as we know how much he loved his family and to be killed by this same person, even the physical features of her, crushes us to our very core. There will be no more stories about his wife and adorable child. The Hughes we love is gone

“You’re right Hughes, Perhaps this is a more fitting end”


Portgas D. Ace – One Piece

Apart from the fact that Ace is Luffy’s brother and it is hard enough to take for him to die, the fact that they went through so much to save him just makes it more painful for us to watch him die. The extreme way in which he dies tears us apart – he saves Luffy from an almighty punch and ends up with a gigantic hole in his Stomach. He dies in his brothers arms which just adds to the despair of the scene. The effect this had on Luffy shows the connection they had together as his outburst of rage symbolises what Ace’s death meant to the audience as a whole.


Saya Minatsuki – Black Cat

Before her death Saya was an accomplished sweeper, whose fun loving spirit and easy likability made her Train's first real friend. Her involvement with him lead to his more human outlook on life and his departure of the Chrono numbers. Due to how close Train and Saya were, Creed grew jealous of the "Witch". Creed murdered Saya. She died in Train's arms during a fireworks show, the thing she was most looking forward to see. While she was alive she wore a yukata, just because she thought she looked cute in it.


Lisanna (Edolas) – Fairy Tail

Two years prior to when the Anima sucked Magnolia into Edolas, Lisanna fell from a high place, causing her untimely death and causing great sorrow for everyone in her guild. However, her body was sent through an Anima and was replaced with her Earth Land counterpart's. Earth Land Lisanna arrived at the guild and realized that she came into a different world where her counterpart was already dead. She took over the role as Edolas Lisanna and lived in Edolas for the sake of Edolas Lisanna's loved ones.


Gen Shishio – Kekkaishi

The Ayakashi insect's egg hatched at that point, but Gen realized he had no use for it and crushed it. With his increased strength, Gen began to gradually overcome Gagin, and was seconds away from striking the final blow when Kaguro suddenly appeared and seriously wounded Gen. Kaguro gave Gen one last chance to join Kokuboro, and upon Gen's refusal, Kaguro mortally wounded him. Unable to maintain his transformation, Gen reverted to his human form. Unfortunately, wounds caused by Kaguro's swords negated cell regeneration, which kept Gen's wounds from healing. Surrounded by his comrades, and with Yoshimori and Tokine pleading for him not to give up, Gen accepted that his life, while filled with hardship, still had plenty of good moments. With assistance from Karasumori's power, Gen chooses to die peacefully, with a smile on his face.


Takehito Kumagami – Charlotte Anime

Waking up in the hospital, Yu wakes up, remembering what had transpired. He accidently involves his ability, Collapse, until Shichino stabs a sedative in Yu's arm. Medoki arrives explaining what had happened while Shichino blames Yu for the death of Kumagami much to Medoki's dismay. Yu admits it was his fault for Kumagami's death. Over a course of few days, Yu's friends visit him in the hospital, Jojiro, Yusa, and Ayumi, in that order. With Yusa's visit, he asks Misa to talk to her parents in order to move on. Afterwards, Medoki informs Yu about his older brother Shunsuke who hasn't moved from his spot since Kumagami's death. Finding Shunsuke, Yu realizes Shunsuke is just like him when he had lost Ayumi. Upon returning to his room, Yu finds Nao who offers him a suggestion on how to tackle the problem, looting everyone's abilities all around the world. Yu takes her suggestions seriously much to Nao's surprise. Yu also confesses his feelings to Nao who is in disbelief. Nao makes Yu promise her and in return, she will reciprocate her feelings unconditionally. Yu informs his brother who decides to support him. Moments later, Yu takes the abilities of Jojiro and Yusa/Misa. Jojiro hands a note from Misa to Yusa who breaks into tears.


Kaori Miyazono – Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso

Kaori was always a physically weak child and underwent many surgeries. Over time, her hospitalisations became more frequent and prolonged.

Before she had surgery she wrote a letter to Kousei telling him the truth about everything. Kaori had the surgery on the 18th February, which was the same day as Kousei's recital. No matter what the doctors did, she didn't survive. At her funeral Kousei got the letter.


Chiaki Nanami – Danganronpa 3 : Despair Arc

The door opens and Chiaki is forced into a harrowing gauntlet full of dangerous traps. Despite taking multiple injuries, she refused to give up, impressing Junko enough to give her a ten-second break. As the Ultimate Fashionista of Despair started counting down, Chiaki desperately tried to limp to safety, only to be speared in her right knee when Junko reached the six-second mark; a cruel fakeout that Junko mockingly attributes to "a despairingly bad memory".

Chiaki defiantly told Junko that she wouldn't let her beat her or her friends, making it to a door marked "GOAL" - on the other side, she saw what appeared to be Chisa and her classmates. With a weary smile, Chiaki moved toward them, only to be impaled by a spear as the illusion broke. Falling backwards, she was caught in a bed of spears that shot out of the ground, impaling her entire body before dropping her lifelessly.

Despite her grievous wounds, Chiaki clung to life as Izuru came into the room. She weakly asked if he is Hajime; Izuru says he was, but has no memory of his past life. Sighing at the fact that she couldn't help anyone, Chiaki tries to get up, only to slip on her own pool of blood. She surprised Izuru with her apology for being unable to help him and her classmates, saying that she loves them all while crying. She told Izuru that she doesn't want to die - she wanted to stay with her class, and play games with Hajime. Her final act was to reach out to Izuru, saying that they could have played games together, before she finally succumbing to her injuries. Her final collapse dislodged her hairclip, which Izuru picked up and examined as tears filled his eyes.


Chiaki Nanami (AI) – Danganronpa 2

Chiaki had a really sad and unfair death and out of all the characters in the game she is the one that shouldn't have died. She was tricked by Nagito when he set up a plan to weed out the traitor by using his ultimate skill to be killed by them so that everyone else would be killed and the traitor would graduate. Chiaki figured out Nagito's plan during the class trial and revealed that she was the traitor in order to save everyone else's life knowing that she would be killed in the process, she was found guiltily and executed after the class trial after Monomi failed to stop MonoKuma which lead to her being killed along with Chiaki. Chiaki's death was very sad since Chiaki didn't mean to kill and because she was a loved character which no one suspected would die since she is the female protagonist in the game and wasn't upset that she was going to die since she got to save all the other students making her death possibly the saddest in SDR2.


Saturday, 17 September 2016

Faked or Temporary Death Characters in Anime / Animation

Faked or Temporary Death Characters in Anime / Animation

Yusuke Urameshiyu (Yu Yu Hakusho) (Temporary Death)

While skipping school and being berated by his mother, Yusuke loafs around the town. Yusuke entertains a child by making silly faces, but when the kid wanders into the street in front of an oncoming car, Yusuke shoves him out of the way. He is struck by the car, and killed. As a ghost, Yusuke is greeted by an atypical version of the Grim Reaper; a bubbly, cheerful young woman named Botan. She informs Yusuke that no one in Spirit World had expected him to die, risking his life to save the little boy. The boy would've survived; Thus, Yusuke's interference was unneccesary and only resulted in the kid having a minor scratch. They have no place for him in the afterlife because of his abrupt death. The Spirit World is also amazed how Yusuke, known for his bad attitude, could save a boy, and for these reasons, he was given the chace to live again. Botan remarks that Yusuke can return to life, but he initially declines.

Yusuke's mind changes after he attends his wake, where people he knows pay their condolences to his mother. Atsuko (Yusuke's mother) is extremely distraught & borderline catatonic about losing her son. Keiko Yukimura (his classmate) sobs uncontrollably, yelling Yusuke's name. Kuwabara appears, angry and upset that Yusuke died before they could finish their battles. When two of Yusuke's teachers belittle him at the wake, Mr. Takenaka, another teacher, berates them for insulting him. He pays his respects to Atsuko and sobs at Yusuke's passing; only then, Atsuko reacts, collapsing in tears at the mention of Yusuke. Lastly, the child whom Yusuke saved and his mother show up, and when the child asks if he can play again with Yusuke, his mother cries and hugs him. Understanding that he meant more to others than they let on, he decides to come back.

Yusuke is given an egg by Koenma, acting lord of Spirit World (in place of his father, who often left to work in other places), and is told that it will hatch a Spirit Beast, which will help him get back to life. However, he must be a genuinely good person. If he is evil, the beast will devour him. While in the anime Yusuke only accomplishes two good deeds, he does a lot more in the manga due to the timeline of events being more stretched out in the manga. This includes helping a boy named Shouta get over his dog's death, helping a girl who had died get over her obsession with a boy (who didn't really care for her) so she can move on, and also being temporarily revived to keep his body fresh so it won't die out. The last deed inolves not allowing Keiko to know about this, though Kuwabara encounters him and Yusuke explains to him what is happening before he returns to being a ghost. Keiko, who had received dreams and messages from Yusuke's ghost telling her he would be returning to life, needed to take care of his body so that he would be able to return to it. However, a fire starts in Yusuke's home and his body runs the risk of being incinerated. Keiko runs into the fire to protect it, and is trapped in the fire. Yusuke gave up all the power gained from his good deeds after his death to have Koenma save her. Koenma used this to put out some of the flames and opened up a path for her to escape from the fire.

Due to this incident, with Koenma directly in contact with Yusuke's soul, he figured that the wave cycle of Yusuke's power is extremely long and has to meet the right time to be resurrected or he would have to wait for another fifty-two years (fifty years in the Japanese version and English manga)[7] before the next chance and decided to let Yusuke return to life earlier even though the fire incident should have delayed the process since his power gained from good deeds were used up (In the manga, Yusuke had to go through one more good deed to be eligible for this by possessing an old acquaintance named Matsuo Suekichi to help him gain the confidence to achieve his dream of becoming a boxer). The only way for Yusuke to be resurrected is by a kiss from someone who is very close to him until midnight. Yusuke could tell, by dream, to three people he knew in order to do this, but he only told Keiko and Kuwabara since his mother started drinking and would not go to bed. Kuwabara did not believe the dream, due to its homosexuality, and Keiko got delayed by her mother's illness. Botan possessed Keiko's mother to leave a message saying Yusuke was in a more dire state than she was. Keiko manages to kiss Yusuke in time, and Yusuke is returned to life.


John Smith (Pocahontas 2) (Faked Death)

In beginning of the second film, John, still in England and having recovered from his injury, is attacked by guards, who attempt to arrest him for treason in Jamestown. Ratcliffe arrives, revealing that he has framed John, and attacks John. John is forced onto the roof of a house, and falls off into the river below. He is presumed dead by Ratcliffe, who informs the king. Soon, word reaches Pocahontas in Virginia and she chooses to move on with her life.


Valka (How to Train Your Dragon 2) (Faked Death)

About 15 years prior to the events of the first movie, it was revealed Valka had spent years protesting against the war with the dragons but no one on Berk ever listened to her. During one particular attack, a large four-winged dragon broke into the Haddock house, prompting Valka to rush in to protect her baby son, Hiccup. When she saw the Stormcutter however, she realized that it was not attacking but was instead merely curious about the human infant, even if accidentally giving him a scar in the process.

The dragon then approached Valka and the two appeared to make a connection as she saw that everything she had believed about dragons was true. Stoick burst his way into the room, thinking the dragon was threatening his family. Most likely thinking that Stoick was actually attacking her, the Stormcutter grabbed Valka and flew off with her in its grasp, leaving Stoick and the rest of Berk to believe she had been killed.

Unfortunately, her husbund, Stoick how really deceased in the second movie.


Tiz Arrior (Bravely Default/Second) (Temporary Death)

During the battle, Tiz discovers that he possesses a "Celestial Being" inside of himself that has been prolonging his life throughout his journey since Norende. Six months after Ouroboros's defeat, and on the same day that he, Agnès and Edea wanted to have a reunion, Tiz, who has been living in Caldisla with Egil, releases the Celestial and collapses soon after in front of Til's grave. 'As if he was sleeping' (possibly died)

As revealed, Tiz's comatose body was brought from Caldisla to Eternian Central Command and placed in the vivipod for safe keeping until he can be awakened. However, Eternian Central Command falls under the control of Kaiser Oblivion, who arranged for Tiz to be well-guarded due to the threat the youth could cause him if he comes to. Norzen Horoskoff, having intended to revive Tiz with a Soulstone, is forced to give the task to Edea and Yew Geneolgia. As the two manage to install the Soulstone into the machine, their ally Magnolia Arch frees him after dispatching the military guards and Gigas Lich.


Kyoko Kirigiri (Danganronpa 3: Future Arc) (Comatose/Near-Death State)

Kyoko was poisoned after her NG code was unintentionally triggered by Makoto. However, it was revealed that Kyoko had taken some of Seiko Kimura's medicine, allowing her to resist the poison by falling into a comatose state and later being revived by Mikan Tsumiki, being one of the five survivors of the Final Killing Game.

On the boat ride home, Mikan Tsumiki held up a drug vial labeled Antagonist, which Nagito Komaeda realized Seiko had made during the killing game. Mikan explained that she had found someone who used the drug to save themselves from the NG Code Poisoning of the bracelets of the Final Killing Game, so she was able to revive them from a near-death state. This is shown to be Kyoko, who left the building alive and unharmed, meeting with Makoto who turned around in surprise.


Aoi Asahina (Danganronpa 3: Future Arc) (Faked Death)

Makoto and Miaya (via Usami) panic over seeing Hina's "dead" body, but as the sleeping gas wore off, Hina woke up with a yawn, surprised to see herself covered in "blood". As it turned out the knife was a toy and the blood was tomato sauce. As Hina looked up, she saw Great Gozu's body, looking very shocked.

Saturday, 3 September 2016

Blood Types Anime

Blood Types Anime

In much of Asia, especially well known in Japan, blood types are seen to determine personalities. Wikipedia summarizes this belief as follows: 

Type A
  • Best Traits: Earnest, sensible, reserved, patient, responsible, quiet, mature, loyal, calm, strict, reliable.
  • Worst Traits: Fastidious, unsocial, stubborn, tense, perfectionist, skeptical.

Type B
  • Best Traits: Wild, active, doer, creative, passionate, strong, honest, laid-back.
  • Worst Traits: Selfish, irresponsible, unforgiving, unpredictable, lazy, reckless.

Type AB
  • Best Traits: Cool, controlled, rational, adaptable, unique.
  • Worst Traits: Critical, indecisive, unsociable, forgetful, "split personality", mean, selfish, apathetic.

Type O
  • Best Traits: Agreeable, sociable, optimistic, artistic, passionate, determined.
  • Worst Traits: Vain, rude, jealous, arrogant, chatterbox, playful, poor secret keeper.

Blood Types Characters in Anime

Type A
  • Ichigo Kurosaki
  • Sakuno Ryuzaki
  • Shintaro Kisaragi

Type B
  • Ayano Tateyama
  • Misaki Ayuzawa
  • Misaki Tokura

Type AB
  • Azusa Nakano
  • Rinko Jerrard
  • Tao Ren
  • Himura Kenshin
  • Rei Hino (Sailor Mars)

Type O
  • Aira Harune
  • Aria H. Kanzaki
  • Amu Hinamori
  • Kirari Tsukishima
  • Saya Minatsuki
  • Ichigo Amano
  • Ryoma Echizen
  • Takumi Usui

Anime Couples Share Same Blood Group 

Type A

▻Makoto Naegi
▻Kyouko Kirigiri

▻Hōtarō Oreki
▻Eru Chitanda

▻Shinichi Kudo
▻Ran Mouri

▻Sakura Kinomoto
▻Syaoran Li

Friday, 26 August 2016

KaiSaki Fanfic : -Short Stories-

KaiSaki Fanfic : -Short Stories-
Pair : Toshiki Kai x Misaki Tokura
Genre : Teen / Romance / Friendship 
Rate : K+ / Teen
Summary : This short stories all about KaiSaki as randomly... Slightly OOC maybe? I do not own CFV and the characters...


Their First Meet...

On that evening, there was a two six years old boys were walking home. Their names were Toshiki Kai and Taishi Miwa. Kai has a brown spiked hair with a pair of green eyes. He also wore a purple shirt with a white jacket and blue jeans. As for Miwa, he has a yellow hair with a pair of gray eyes. He also wore a red shirt and blue jeans. On their way home they saw a little girl crying. She has light violet hair with a pair of beauty blue eyes. Today, she wore a blue dress with a black pants underneath her dress. They asked what happened and she said 

"My cat is stuck in the tree." She tried to get him, but whenever she tried to climb the tree she would fall and scrap herself. 

Then Kai began to climb the tree and fell down. While Kai was trying to climb the tree Miwa was comforting the little girl. Kai also got some scraps, but he continued to climb the tree. Once Misaki saw that she stopped crying. After the third time Kai finally climbed the tree and got the cat down. 

"What is your name?" Kai asked the girl and then handed the cat to the girl. 

"Misaki..." The little violet haired girl answered 

"My name is Miwa and that is my friend Kai." said Miwa.
Misaki then said "Thanks so much for the help." and then she kissed them both on the cheek. 

"It was no big deal." Both the boys are blushed. Misaki then began to giggle. 

"Where do you live?" Kai asked.

"I live in Cardfight Capital." Misaki answered.

"Maybe tomorrow we can go and play with you." said Kai. 

Misaki then smiled at them and said "Is that a promise?" 
Kai then said "It is a promise."


This story lines mostly are not mine. So, please just read and have a nice day... And I'll making another KaiSaki's story on the next one... =)

This year will be the last time I writing the KaiSaki's stories, but for uncompleted stories will still write as they are, so don't worry about it...  I hope the KaiSaki's fan out there can writing the stories like the previous writer and i also wish you guys the best of luck... =)

At the Playground.

There was a fine evening, two ten years old kids were playing on the see-saw together. They go up and then down repeatedly. The spiky brunette boy began to getting bored with the see-saw and stop playing with it. The lilac haired girl asked him to playing again, but he don't want it to.

“Let's play something else?” said the spiky brunette boy.

“What game do you wanna play?” the lilac haired girl asked him back.

The spiky brunette boy was thinking about what kind of game that they'll playing next. He still thinking about it. Suddenly both of them heard something. When they looked around to see where the odd noise was originating, they realized it was coming from a nearby huge tree. Curious, they drew closer. They looked up into the tree as they saw something moving.

“Mmm... I wonder what it is?” the spiky brunette boy curious.

“If there's something in the tree, Kai. Why don't you climb up and see what it is?” said the lilac haired girl.

The spiky brunette boy nodded approvingly, then he immediately climbing up the tree. He keep climbing until he reached the top of the tree. Then, he smiled to himself as he saw the undeveloped baby bird peeking from within the broken egg lifeless and still. On the bird nest, there's also have a few shiny objects or metallic strips. This is must be a crow's nest, he thought. He was about to climb down from the tree when he saw his lovely friend there.

“Look at me, Misaki!” said the spiky brunette boy as he waved at her.

“Be careful, Kai. You might fall.” the lilac haired girl looks worried.

“There's nothing to be worry about it, I'm perfectly fine.” the spiky brunette boy grinned at her. Then, he sat down on a thick branch and began to watch the sunset over the playground. “You should get up here and join with me, Misaki.”

“I can't, Kai.”

“Why not?”

“Well, it's too high up and plus, I'm wearing a dress.”

“Don't worry about it. C'mon, I'll help you out.”


“Alright! Alright! I'll going down.” said the spiky brunette boy as he admitted defeat. He started to climb down, however the halfway he lost his balance and he let himself down on a pile of dried-up leaves.

“Kai!” the lilac haired girl rushed over to him. Then, she was kneeling down, next to him. “Are you okey?”

“Yeah! I'm fine, it's just a scratch. That's all.” the spiky brunette boy smiling. There was a noticeable cut on one of his cheek. Fortunately the cuts wasn't too deep at all.

“Here, let me help you.” said the lilac haired girl as she put a band-aid on his little wound cheek.

“Thanks, Misaki.” said the spiky brunette boy as he ruffled her hair.

“No problem.” the lilac haired girl replied.

“Come on, let's go home now.”


They about to leave the playground, the spiky brunette boy going to wash his face first by the nearby drinking fountains. When he done washed himself, he looked up at his reflection in the mirror for a moment. But what he didn't noticed the band-aid that the lilac haired girl gave to him was pink.

“You never told me that band-aid was pink?” the spiky brunette boy frowned and still looks embarrassed because of the pink band-aid on his cheek.

“But, it's looks cute on you, Kai.” the lilac haired girl smiling.

“I'm not cute! G-Guys don't need to be cute! They'll think guys looks ridiculous, especially when they're in pink!” said the spiky brunette boy, still blushing on his face.

“Alright! I'm sorry.” the lilac haired girl fumbled.

“Forget it! J-Just, let's go home already...”
